by Colette H. Hecht | Mar 22, 2012 | Water Purification
Since many months ago public workers have stopped adding flouride to the municipal water supply of Hightstown NJ. This is according to an anonymous tip phoned in to the borough’s public health officer. Workers have stopped adding flouride to the public water supply...
by Colette H. Hecht | Nov 1, 2011 | Water Purification
While the Whirlpool 149010 Water Filter is well known to remove the bad taste of water, some may notice that there’s no specific reason why one shall stick with the original WHCF-WHWC replacement filter, when this can be substituted with other Whirlpool WHCF-WHWC...
by Colette H. Hecht | Jun 8, 2007 | Water Purification
We have a reverse osmosis system under our kitchen sink. It is called “Culligan Cleer.” There are three filters. The model numbers are: AC-15 AC-15M AC-15L Do you have something to replace these Culligan filters? We would like to replace them ourselves, and thought it...